CAXTEK Certified Training Program
Duration: 03 Months
Total Sessions: 24 (2 sessions of 2hrs per week, Total: 48 hrs)
Days: Tuesday, Thursday
Timing: 02 PM to 04 PM UK Time
Training Plan & Crash Course Content (Each Session: 2hr, Total: 48 hrs + Project Mentorship hrs):
Location: Physical: Lahore, Pakistan Remote: Online
Week 1: Session 1: An introduction Session 2: JavaScript Fundamentals
Week 2: Session 3: Code quality Session 4: Objects: the basics
Week 3: Session 5: Data types Session 6: Advanced working with functions
Week 4: Session 7: Object properties configuration Session 8: Prototypes, inheritance
Week 5: Session 9: Classes Session 10: Error handling
Week 6: Session 11: Promises, async/await Session 12: Generators, advanced iteration
Week 7: Session 13: Modules Session 14: Document
Week 8: Session 15: Introduction to Events Session 16: UI Events
Week 9: Session 17: Forms, controls Session 18: Document and resource loading
Week 10: Session 19: Frames and windows Session 20: Binary data, files
Week 11: Session 21: Network requests Session 22: Storing data in the browser
Week 12: Session 23: Animation Session 24: Web components , Regular expressions
Week 13: Final Project Evaluations, Test+ Vivas, Result Announcement, Awards to Top Trainees & Certificates Distribution.
Investment Plan:
→ Organizational Investment: 199 USD (Total) (Free of cost for participants)
→ Participants Investment: 99 USD (Total) (Financial aid & Scholarships Available)
Successful Training Program Completing Participants will be offered
→ Training Certificates
→ Paid Contractual Assignments and Job Offers